As I wrote in the last post, Serge and I spent our 1 year wedding anniversary in Trier, the oldest city in Germany, located on the Mosel River near the Luxembourg border. We had heard from multiple sources that it was a beautiful place, with lots to see and do, so we thought if we can't be back in Key West, we might as well check out Trier. :-) We stayed in a really nice hotel on a hill with beautiful views, and we spent our days shopping and checking out the town. We were there during their Ostermarkt and Verkaufsoffene Sonntag, and the weather was great! It was the perfect way to celebrate an amazing first year of marriage!
In front of our hotel, Villa Hügel
Die Kaiserthermen (Roman Imperial Baths)
I thought this tree was really pretty, so Serge asked a guy to take our picture in front of it.
But after 2 tries...
...this is what we got. Oh well!
The Foot of Constantine I
Hmm, where to Sergie?
Das Kurfürstliche Palais
I can never take an artistic photograph with this goofball :-)
Der Trierer Dom
Inside the church
Lighting a candle for our marriage :-)
I think even I could parallel park this bad boy.
Die Porta Nigra
Springtime in Germany is so pretty!
Taking a load off on the balcony
Hold the phone, Serge ordered a salad... for dinner?!?
Well now, I obviously couldn't order a steak and potatoes when my husband is munching on some greens! :-)
Only had to ask our waitress 10 times for this picture.
Ahh die Dienstleistungswüste ("service desert") aka Deutschland :-)
Das Geburtshaus von Karl Marx
Die Kartoffel Kiste!
We didn't eat here, but we had to get a picture of course! :-)
Hauptmarkt, after the Easter Market closed up for the night
1 year ago we were all dressed up like these guys, ready to say "I do!"
Mardonna & Serge :-)
Der Dom, all lit up at night
We stayed in Salzburg for our anniversary :-)
Auf Wiedersehen, Villa Hügel!
Spotted some yellow Gerber Daisies at the market, which I was carrying in my bouquet 1 year ago!
I went a little overboard with the "1 year ago" stuff, I know, but you only have a first anniversary once! :-)
Enjoying an early afternoon coffee to the sounds of an accordion.
Trier reminded us a lot of Italy.
Perfect Sunday weather!
Anniversary lunch at Weinstube Kesselstatt
Pretty view of die Liebfrauenkirche
Just walking through a construction site on the way to the train station :-)
When we got back to Wetzlar we headed to Palais for dinner on their terrace, and Serge was totally wearing the same shirt as this guy behind us! Except I doubt he got his at J.Crew :-)
I can't believe a year has gone by already! I am so happy to be married to you, Serge, and I am so excited to be on this journey with you! You're the greatest husband in the world, and I love you like crazy! Thanks for making our first anniversary so great, and here's to many, many more!!