Thursday, April 14, 2011

Frühling in Frankfurt

Serge and I have been pretty busy lately, with school, work, and travel, and I just realized I hadn't updated our blog in a few weeks. Woops! We've almost hit the 6 month mark, and everything is going smoothly with Serge's job and my classes. He had a productive meeting with his mentor in Stuttgart a few weeks ago, but I didn't tag along, so it was my first night alone in Germany! :-) It was fine; I slept pretty nicely all alone in my German bed, and Serge really enjoyed getting some face time with his mentor.

Serge's German has really gotten awesome! He told me the other day that he's finally at the point where if someone asked him if he spoke German he'd say "Ja," whereas a month ago he would've said, "Nur ein bisschen." ("Just a little.") I told him, green with envy, that I'd say, "Nein, aber mein Mann kann." :-) My classes are going well. I can certainly tell I've improved since we got here, but I feel like I still have a long way to go. Reading and writing are my strengths, my listening has improved but isn't excellent, and speaking is definitely my weakest point. The words just don't come to my brain quickly enough! It's a difficult language, but I'm working on it. I've been reading "Eat, Pray, Love" in German since I've read it twice in English and own the movie, and I already have around 400 index cards of new vocabulary words! I'm also (reluctantly) trying to speak more at home with Serge and to watch German television. Practice makes perfect! :-)

Serge and I celebrated our first anniversary this past weekend in Trier, the oldest city in Germany, near the Luxembourg border. We had a really great time, and I'll upload pictures from that soon, but first I want to post some random ones from Wetzlar and the ones from the weekend before, which we spent in Frankfurt. All stores are closed on Sundays in Germany, except 4 times a year, so Serge and I headed to Frankfurt to do some shopping on their "Verkaufsoffener Sonntag." The weather was awesome (around 75 and sunny!) and we really enjoyed spending some time out in the sun and in the shops on a Sunday for once! :-)

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Sergio!!

The first flowers I saw blooming on my walk home from school.
Frühling kommt endlich!

Serge and David enjoying a glass of Prosecco at the Karneval Umzug (Parade)

Some floats throw out candy; Some hand out beer. :-)

And some throw out Schnaps!

Stephanie and me celebrating Fasching
Side note: I gave up alcohol for Lent, so this was my last alcoholic beverage until Easter!

I wonder what the theme was for this float... 
"What do you guys like better, nurse or cheerleader?"

Prinz und Prinzessin

Universitätskirche, Marburg

Serge Revere

Playing Squash with Peter and Steph!

Sergio, looking adorable with his ice cream cone with sprinkles.
FYI, Germans LOVE ice cream. When the weather is nice, every other person you pass will be licking an ice cream cone, regardless of age, gender, or social status, and if the sun is out, you can bet your bottom dollar that the Eis Cafes will be packed!

Somebody needed a croissant from the market on our way to the train station.

Enjoying a Louisiana Stout at Louisiana's in Frankfurt

And I was enjoying my ice tea

Fountain outside the Hilton

Awesome Tartufo at Garibaldi

St. Katherinenkirche

Die Bäume blühen! 
Main River

The last time we took a picture here with Brian and Catherine, these trees were covered in snow!

Crossing the bridge

pretty yellow tree

der Römerberg

der Römer

We stayed at the Hilton this time, and it was probably our favorite hotel we've stayed at in Germany. Great location, modern rooms, nice views, awesome breakfast, friendly staff - we totally recommend it!

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